Texas Life and Health Agents E & O Program
U. S. E & O Brokers 
has teamed up with the member companies of the
While competitors have come and gone in the marketplace the member companies of the Utica National Insurance Group have provided Agents’ Errors and Omissions (E&O) coverage continuously for over 50 years. In addition, Utica National Insurance Company and their member companies have continuously improved their program to help protect the assets and reputation you have worked so hard to build!
Here are just 10 of the reasons you should choose Utica National.
- Asset and Reputation Protection. Utica National defends claims vigorously with top experienced litigators to help protect what you have established.
- Longevity. Since establishing its Agents’ E&O program in 1966 Utica National has developed tremendous knowledge in areas such as agents’ liability, which is more complicated in today’s legal environment.
- Solid Coverage. No two errors and omissions policies are alike. Utica National is available to help you spot coverage differences so you can make the best decision.
- Dedicated Claims Specialists. Utica National’s E&O-dedicated claims personnel put more than 100 years of combined experience resolving E&O claims to work for you.
- Direct Access to Underwriters and Claim Specialists. When you need help regarding an E&O exposure or potential claim situation, a Utica National legal representative is just a phone call away.
- Leading-Edge Risk Management. Utica National works with agents’ associations and policyholders to identify and address emerging market or coverage issues and deliver risk management strategies.
- Accountability. If there’s ever an issue, you can contact anyone at Utica National for guidance – from their claims and underwriting manager to their CEO.
- Mergers and Acquisitions. Utica National has numerous extended reporting period option (tail coverage options) and can help provide peace of mind when you’re planning to retire, purchase or sell while keeping you in compliance with contract requirements.
- Multiple Payment Options. Utica National has flexible payment options that do not require financing or interest charges making their product even more affordable.
- The Numbers. More than 10,000 agents have placed their trust in their state association and Utica National’s Agents’ E&O program.
Partner with Utica National to Bring Your Agency to the Next Level!
This summary represents an outline of coverage available from the companies of the Utica National Insurance Group. No coverage is provided by this summary. All coverages are individually underwritten. Coverage availability, terms, and conditions are dictated by the policy and may vary by state. In the event of a loss, the terms of the policy issued will determine the coverage provided. For questions on coverages, contact your independent agent.
Common Definitions for Life & Health Agents Professional Services
How do you operate?
Agent - Place business with companies with which agency is licensed.
Personal Producing General Agent - General Agent producing business personally.
General Agent - Places business with companies with which the agency is licensed. Commissions are from personal sales and/or sales of sub-agents.
Managing, Master or Brokerage General Agent - Has authority to appoint and commissions are from agents and general agents
- New Business Quick App
- New Agency Long App
- Renewal App
- Merger/Purchase Application
- Employment Practies Supplement
- Cyber Supplement
Utica National’s Online Resources for Agents’ Errors & Omissions (E&O) Policyholders
Utica National works to help protect the assets and reputation you have worked hard to build, so they give their customers access to protocols and advice on staying ahead of emerging issues to help minimize the chance of an E&O incident.
As a policyholder, you and your staff have access to many online resources, which are available 24/7/365 in Utica National’s Customer Care Center.
Training and Education. Tutorials that cover E&O hot topics of concern to agencies are provided.
Loss Control Articles. Advice on mitigating or avoiding E&O claims on subjects such as hidden coverage gaps on Contractor General Liability, having sufficient E&O policy limits and Workers Compensation risks, as well as information on questions to ask before issuing a certificate of insurance.
Lessons Learned. Real claims examples, insights, and suggestions on what you should and shouldn’t do to prevent an E&O claim are included.
Ask the Expert. Your questions are answered by Utica National’s experienced staff.
FAQ Section. Questions and answers from soup-to-nuts on everything E&O related.
Agents’ Errors and Omissions (E&O) Premium Discount Program
Your premium should reflect the hard work you’ve done to prevent errors and omissions incidents.
Utica National also offers discounts with companies such as Rough Notes for programs to empower your agency to out-perform your competitors while reducing errors and omissions exposures.
Utica National prides itself on fast, effective, and fair claims service. Claims may be made 24/7/365 in a way that is convenient for you.
Their dedicated claims staff only handles Agents’ E&O professional liability. And, you have direct access to Underwriters and Claim Specialists when you need input regarding an E&O exposure or potential claim situation.
To report a claim, follow these guidelines, review the First Notice of Loss Form, and contact Utica National:
- Telephone: 800-598-8422
- Fax: 888-538-2018
- Email: ClaimsNewReport@uticanational.com
- Mail: Utica Mutual Insurance Company
Attn: E&O Claims
P.O. Box 5310
Binghamton, NY 13902